Revised September 2011

Monday December 7, 2009 has begun the long-awaited summit on climate change on our planet Earth, sponsored by the UN, alleged to commit countries to share decreased carbon dioxide and replace the Kyoto Protocol, which expires in 2012. The bad news is that the US and China, the two largest emitters of greenhouse gases, already announced weeks ago that this time not sign a legally binding treaty. India joined them a few days ago.

The 180 countries that are present in Copenhagen should make their voices heard and push for bold commitments for the coming year are achieved. If this could be achieved, this would be good news and the Summit would end with a positive balance. It is the task to which you should focus, presidents or senior government officials, who should read this message.

There is a section of the scientific community that human activity attributed to global warming and expressed serious concerns about the future of the planet, including the extinction of our species. Others, called deniers or even acknowledge that such a phenomenon exists and states that nothing will happen. To those in the first group call “afirmacionistas” to distinguish deniers.

To you, the participants in the Summit asked: how will know which of the two groups is right? What decisions will you make? What criteria used to take them?

Only the future will tell who was right and who was wrong, but at that time may already be too late. It is an indisputable fact pollution of the environment, such as air, rivers, seas and soils due to intense anthropogenic activity, which in many cases recorded alarming levels. The scarcity of water is a recurring news. The enlargement of the holes in the ozone layer is scientifically proven. The extinction of species and the population decline of many others occurred in few generations, is well documented. This, undoubtedly, will have extensive consequences for biodiversity necessary for the balance and sustainability of life on Earth.

It is not yet talking about gaps in biodiversity, such as the ozone layer, because there are millions of species that form and the minimum of the total extinctions occurred. But to the extent that new extinctions will increase the already occurred, or give science of these holes that will leave the missing species. When these small gaps will go together to form other growing, you may come upon a cascading or domino effect that would lead to imbalance and uncontrollable major catastrophe ensue throughout the existence of our planet.

The fate of the Earth can not be left to chance. It’s not like buying a lottery ticket to see if we are lucky and leave our number. We ask you: if you have a son or a daughter who must travel to the jungle, where there is a danger of contracting malaria, if the probability of infection is 50% do they let him go without vaccination against the disease? We are convinced that the answer is no, even if the feasibility was just 10%. Vaccines are like insurance. A planet must also buy a policy, regardless.

Nor should become a diatribe discussion between afirmacionistas and deniers. The matter can not fanatical as if it were a baseball game between Boston and New York or a soccer game between Barcelona and Real Madrid. Nor should reduce the field of economics, because, what good would it be if and all extinct? It would be preferable that you act as if the global catastrophe was launched to think that his arrival is impossible, then the tragedy ensues.

The world’s eyes are on you and your nation, and will be responsible before Humanity and History.

If they fail, what will you say to your children and grandchildren when they ask them questions?

Boys: I was there but nothing I said or did anything. Do not make my job because not pressed enough to realize that hangs over us a sword of Da.

Sandor Alejandro Gerendas-Kiss