FAQs about Anthropocene

10. What are the most remarkable effects of the Anthropocene?

The most notorious effect of the Anthropocene is global warming caused by greenhouse gas emissions. Its consequence, climate change, manifests itself with increasingly intense and frequent phenomena, such as the thawing of glaciers and polar ice, whose most immediate effects would be the increase in the level of the seas, with serious damage to coastal and island populations, which would cause massive migrations with waves of climate refugees. Another of its consequences would be the desertification of soils, with acute shortage of drinking water for human use and for animals in areas affected by droughts.

Increased heat would intensify vegetation fires and increase their frequency and damage. Floods would be catastrophic in some places. Hurricanes would come with greater destruction capacity and would be increasingly frequent. The destruction of coral reefs would affect marine biodiversity. Mass extinctions of species would have a strong impact on biodiversity and trophic or food chains. Due to the effect of droughts and floods there would be serious crop losses and famines.

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Magazine all about the Anthropocene

The Anthropocene is the name that some scientists have proposed to indicate a new geological era, characterized by the great modifications to the planet made by humans. Although the Anthropocene or “Age of Humans” the concept circulates in books and thousands of media.

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